Back to the roots

Strange days…
This crisis comes with its own set of challenges, big or small, different for each and every one of us. It makes us feel smaller and more vulnerable but it also forces us to look at things from a different perspective. We go back to the essential. Like trees, in appearance isolated from each others, but below the surface, it’s a complex underground network, trees share water and nutrients through this networks, and also use them to communicate…
For the past few days, I see artists of all kinds reaching out online, thinking of creative ways to go through the difficult times. All of us, artists or not, will need to use creativity in many different ways to adapt to our current daily lives. The act of creating “something” (whatever it may be) is a fulfilling experience and can have a ripple effect on other areas of life. However, the creative practice can be hard to get into at first, on a regular basis when you start to work on something new or simply when in the wrong mindset.
I am inspired by nature and tales but not only, seeing artists developing their own ideas and skills is like a journey through their minds. “Imagination at work” is for me a great source of inspiration.
I’d like to start sharing more of my creative process, work in progress, along with my inspirations, thoughts, and quotes on creating as a therapeutic exercise. In my own minuscule way, I want to highlight that the important thing in Art is the process that brings joy to the artist, after all, it is the reason why a piece of art comes to life. It will be a good reminder to help my own creativity flow and I hope I can inspire some of you, maybe give a push to some people who might be thinking of trying something new.
Keep dreaming, keep creating if you can, especially in the tough times, as it can be such a boost and it’s good for the soul!